Our free helpline & text services provide 24/7, confidential support from highly trained staff and volunteers.
Need help right now?

Lifeline Helpline
Our compassionate team is available to offer support, and provide a safe space for you whenever you need it.

Text Us
Access help through our text helpline service. Connect with our caring team via text, receive support, and find guidance in times of need.
Text us on: 4357

TAUTOKO Suicide Crisis Helpline
If you think you or someone you know, may be thinking about suicide, call the TAUTOKO Suicide Crisis Helpline for support.
What we do

Lifeline Helpline
We’re committed to providing a safe, effective and confidential service to support the emotional and mental well-being of our callers and communities.
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Suicide Crisis Helpline
A free, nationwide service available 24 hours a day, seven days a week on 0508 TAUTOKO (0508 828 865). Please call emergency services on 111 if you are in immediate danger.
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Warmline Auckland is a peer support helpline for people who use Auckland DHB mental health services. Call 0508 WARMLINE (0508 927 654) from 5-11pm seven days a week.
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Lifeline Connect
We empower business teams and community workers to effectively engage with people in emotional distress.
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About us
Lifeline Aotearoa has been helping New Zealanders in distress and crisis for over 60 years.
Our free community helplines, 0800 LIFELINE and Suicide Crisis Helpline 0508 TAUTOKO, and our text support service HELP (4357) are answered by our highly trained team from centres in Auckland and Christchurch. We also provide corporate training through our Lifeline Connect service.
Calls to our helplines are free, confidential and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We receive no government funding for these helplines and rely on public donations.