Trusts, Foundations & Corporate Partners


Trusts & Foundations

Lifeline’s vital services are supported by a number of generous Trusts and Foundations.

If you would like to get in touch with our Trust and Grants Manager, please contact Margaret:


Phone: 021 208 4202

Trusts & Foundations

  • Barney & Patsy McCahill Charitable Trust
  • Community Trust of Mid & South Canterbury
  • Community Trust South
  • Eastern & Central Community Trust
  • Elizabeth Ball Charitable Trust
  • Flourish Arbonne Foundation
  • Foundation North
  • Hynds Foundation
  • Kiwi Gaming Foundation
  • Lois McFarlane Charitable Trust


  • Lottery Grants Board National 
  • Otago Community Trust
  • Rātā Foundation
  • The Stewart Charitable Trust
  • Toi Foundation
  • Trust Waikato
  • WEL Energy Trust
  • Whanganui Community Foundation

Thank you to our wonderful supporters who keep Lifeline’s services running!

Corporate Partners

Office Depot

Corporate Donors

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