

Support Kiwis in distress & save lives

Every call and text is funded by supporters.

Fundraising is really easy and a great way to bring people together to help Lifeline continue to be there for people when they need us most. Our Lifeline helplines and text-line are not Government-funded. Fundraising makes a huge difference to our Lifeline teams being able to take hundreds of calls and send and receive many texts every day from people in distress. 

Here are some wonderful ways to fundraise:

Create your own

Create your own

Host an event like a concert, festival, or quiz night, offer a service in return for donations (e.g. babysitting, haircuts, yoga classes), or smash a personal goal or complete a challenge. For inspiration, take a look at some of our past fundraisers here.

Personal challenge

Personal challenge

Personal challenges make awesome fundraisers – they show your supporters how committed you are to the cause. You might like to create your own challenge or take part in an existing event. See our upcoming events here.

Host an event

Host an event

An event is a great way to bring people together to support Lifeline while enjoying themselves. Over the years, there have been all sorts of weird and wonderful events including beard and moustache competitions, chilli-eating contests, meditation workshops, golf days, concerts – the options are endless!

Business donations and fundraisers

Business donations and fundraisers

Business donations and fundraisers provide crucial support to people in distress by funding calls and texts to Lifeline. As well as donations and regular giving, there are all kinds of great ways staff can fundraise. See ‘Need help?’ if you need inspiration.

Online fundraising

Online fundraising

It’s quick and easy to set up an online fundraising page personalised with your own target and story. Share it with your supporters so they can donate directly to your page. Previous awesome online fundraisers include virtual quiz nights, push-up challenges, birthday giving, beard-growing competitions, and tattoo pledges!

School or club fundraising

School or club fundraising

You can fund calls and texts to Lifeline while raising vital awareness for the cause through a school, club, or group event like a mufti day, bake sale, movie night, sports tournament or a sponsored walk.



Got everything you need? Join other generous New Zealanders by creating a registry for your birthday, wedding or other special event so your family and friends can donate to Lifeline and help people in distress and save lives. Our partner The Good Registry makes this possible.

In memory

In memory

Donating in memory is a special way of honouring the life of a loved one. Many families find comfort in choosing to donate to Lifeline in lieu of flowers. By creating a personal tribute page in just a few minutes, your friends and family can make donations and leave personal messages online.



Challenge yourself and represent Lifeline at a half or full-marathon event. Check out our upcoming events, or if there’s another event you’d like to take part in, create a fundraising page.


Get started!

For help getting started, fundraising inspiration, support or questions about the impact Lifeline has, get in touch with our team today.


Or get started here:

Start fundraising

Make a Donation

We rely on public donations to provide our free, 24/7 helplines. Please donate today to enable us to be there for people in crisis.

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